DOC Study of WOSB Federal Contracting Program

In 2015, the SBA requested a new study from the Department of Commerce (DOC) of the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program which resulted in a revised list of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industry groups in which WOSBs are underrepresented/substantially underrepresented. The study found a total of 21 four-digit industry groups that are eligible for Federal contracting (some NAICS sectors are not eligible for Federal contracts under SBA regulations) in which WOSBs are underrepresented (and therefore open only to Economically Disadvantaged (ED) WOSBs for set-aside/sole source awards) and found an additional 92 industry groups in which WOSBs are substantially underrepresented (and therefore open to both EDWOSBs and WOSBs for set-aside/sole source awards). This total of 113 NAICS industry groups is an increase of 30 from the former list of 83 industry groups – some of which were deleted and replaced with other codes. This new list of NAICS codes went into effect in March of this year. The full six-digit NAICS code lists can be found through these SBA website links: EDWOSB and WOSB .

SBA has published its full analysis of the DOC study in the related Federal Register notice that discusses which NAICS codes are no longer designated for use under the WOSB program, as well which NAICS codes are being newly designated for use under the program. Read the DOC WOSB Federal Contract Program report.

For more information on the WOSB program, please contact our office.

Vic Ferlise inducted into CECOM Hall of Fame

Victor Ferlise, the founding partner of Ferlise and Associates, was formally inducted into the Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) Hall of Fame on April 7th 2016.

Victor was recognized as the first-ever civilian to fill the role of Deputy to the Commanding General of CECOM, assuming the position in 1992 until his retirement from federal service in 2007. Victor oversaw the development of the Team Fort Monmouth concept and transitioned it into the Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, or “Army Team C4ISR” concept.

Other inductees from the inaugural class, include former commanders retired Lt. Gen. Emmett Paige Jr. and retired Maj. Gen. Robert Morgan; former Civilian Executive Assistant/ Deputy to the Commander of Tobyhanna Army Depot Mason C. Linn; and nuclear physicist and world-renown authority on nuclear-radiation technology Dr. Stanley Kronenberg.

“This Hall of Fame is only a small token, a small placeholder where we recognize in such a small way, larger contributions for a greater good,” said Maj. Gen. Crawford, the current CECOM Commander at Aberdeen Proving Ground.