
F&A provides the full spectrum of acquisition-related guidance and support to its clients encompassing the Pre-Solicitation Stage (e.g., analyzing all Solicitation-related documents for major acquisitions and preparing Executive Summaries that capture the most critical data); the Proposal Preparation Stage (e.g., playing a key role in “Color Team” reviews to ensure compliance with, and full comprehension of, Solicitation requirements, identify potential proposal strengths, and ensure that the client’s “best story is told the best way”); and the Award/Post-Award Stage (e.g., providing advice on how to maximize the information gained from debriefings, and on contract administration, performance, and interpretation issues).  For more information on F&A’s Acquisition Support Services please click HERE.



F&A provides a broad range of logistics-related guidance and support to its clients encompassing Supply Chain Management; support to expeditionary logistics-based efforts from the unit to the theater level; Industrial Base leadership and planning; system modernization, obsolescence management and technology refreshment opportunity analysis; Integrated Logistics Support planning and logistics product development analysis and support “down to the foxhole” including fielding, new equipment and refreshment training, provisioning and sparing, RESET, disposal and demilitarization; Foreign Military Sales and export strategy design; Condition-Based Maintenance Plus; exploiting system life-cycle cost reduction opportunities throughout the equipment life-cycle; and Performance Based Logistics. For more information on F&A’s Logistics Support Services, please click HERE.


Program Management:

F&A professional staff includes seasoned, Level III Defense Acquisition University certified Program Management and Systems Engineering professionals with significant life cycle management experience in the C4ISR domain. Our experts have years of practical experience in applying DoD 5000 based regulatory guidance in the program management, technical, logistics and support domains in the life cycle management of major ACAT programs. Our technical/programmatic support expertise spans system analysis, system engineering, hardware/software development, integration and test, production engineering, logistics, product assurance, cost estimating and earned value management. Our staff has significant experience working in an Integrated Product Team environment to oversee and manage product development, production, and sustainment activities to achieve cost, schedule and performance baseline goals. Our first-hand experience provides us with unique and informed perspectives as to the Government decision making processes and most favorable approaches for our clients to pursue in resolving problems/presenting proposals to maximize probability of government acceptance.  For more information on F&A’s Program Management Support Services please click HERE.


Small Business Support:

Ferlise and Associates offers guidance to Small Businesses whether they are just starting out and learning how to do business with the Federal Government, or they are seasoned businesses ready to successfully transition from a Small to a Large Business. We have expertise in the numerous issues with which a Small Business may be confronted to include defending a size or status protest, undergoing a Certificate of Competency review, or challenging a Prime’s onerous subcontracting provisions. F&A can also provide advice and guidance on participating in the SBA’s “All Small Mentor-Protégé Program” and help craft Joint Venture Agreements under that program. We provide support to Small Businesses in all socioeconomic categories to include Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSBs), Service-Disabled VOSBs, Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs), Economically Disadvantaged WOSBs (EDWOSBs), Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDBs) to include 8(a) Business Development Small Businesses, and Historically Underutilized Business Zone Small Businesses (HUBZones). For more information on F&A’s Program Small Business Support Services please HERE.